Roy Stevenson's
6 Month
Coaching & Mentoring Package

6-month coaching begins on  January 1, 2020

and ends on June 30, 2020

Price:  $1497

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How It Works:

Your 6-Month Coaching and mentoring package begins on Jan 1, 2020 and ends on June 30, 2020.

1.  When you place your order, you will be directed to a screen to download your Quick Start package.  Download all documents using links that appear on the screen.  Your package includes digital reference guides (eBooks) - download those, too.

2.  Read the simple step-by-step instructions in the Quick Start document.  Then follow the instructions to kick-off your coaching session with Roy. 

3.  Once Roy receives your email that you're ready to get started, he'll reply back to you and set up your first Skype coaching call.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I extend my 6-month coaching package into additional months of coaching later?

Yes, you can extend the coaching by signing up for another 4, 6 or 12 months at the end of your coaching program. 

Can you guarantee that my article will get published?

To get an article published you will need to do the work involved in pitching your story to publications.  If we can’t get your article published, there are usually good reasons for this:  a weak story idea, a poorly researched idea, a deficient distribution list, bad timing, or just plain bad luck.  

I’ll work with you to improve, or even replace, weak story ideas.  I often suggest my writers do further research if their pitch seems superficial. 

It’s your job to do the research and follow my recommendations.  I’ll work with you to create a broad distribution list to improve your chances of getting your story published in print or online. This is a key feature of my marketing system, and this step must be completed thoroughly for you to have a reasonable chance of your story being published.

Despite these steps, sometimes the timing isn’t right for a story idea, or editors just aren’t biting.  These things are out of your control and mine.  If this happens, we need to move on to your next idea. We’ll do that together until you get a story idea accepted by an editor or until we have exhausted all possibilities on the distribution list. 

I’m happy to work with you on several different story ideas, regardless of how much time it takes us, until you get at least one article published or until our contract expires.

What are your office hours?

My office hours are Monday through Friday.  I do not answer coaching emails on the weekend or during the night.

Unless I'm traveling, I will respond to your emails within 24 hours—and no longer than 48 hours after I receive them (excluding weekends).

Will you write my Query Letter for me?

No, you will write the query letter and I will review it. 

My coaching philosophy is for you, the writer, to become independent.  Writing your own query letters is part of the learning process.  You won’t learn the art of creating a compelling query letter if I do it for you.

What I will do is to coax and coach the best possible query letter out of you so you will learn how to do it yourself. 

When you purchased this Coaching and Mentoring Package, you received a complimentary copy of my book “The Complete Guide to Query Letters for Travel Writers”.  This guide book shows many query letters that worked for me, and I suggest you use them as a template for your own query letters.

Once I’ve reviewed your query letter, you may need to do a rewrite or two, and then I’ll help you put the final polish on it.

Will you prepare my magazine distribution list for me?

Short answer: No. 

I’ll show you how to assemble your own magazine distribution list from the primary sources that I use.  I’ll also review your list and make other suggestions for expanding and refining it.  In some cases, I’ll give you the inside scoop on the editor and his or her preferences if I’ve worked with that editor. 

When you purchased my Coaching and Mentoring Package, you received complimentary copies of two of my guides including print and online distribution lists to get you started. 

These lists are an excellent starting point for most travel distribution lists.  Please add to them as you discover other magazines and websites that suit your requirements.

Can you guarantee I will be paid for my article?

I cannot promise that you’ll get paid for your article.  Whether or not you get paid is between you and the publications you pitch.  Some magazines and websites are non-paying publications.  It will be your decision whether or not to pitch these publications.

I also cannot guarantee how much you will be paid for an article.  Magazines differ enormously in what they pay.  Whether you are paid, and what you are paid is out of my control and completely between you and the editor or publisher.

Our first goal will be to get your story into print.  If the market isn’t ready for your story, we’ll place your article online.  I will do my very best to help you get your story published in one of these places.

Will I get feedback on my travel writing?

I’m happy to give you feedback on your travel story as part of my coaching and mentoring package.

What can I help with?  I’ll help you with article ‘readability’ and general travel writing technique.  I will tell you where your paragraphs look tangled, where it will help to move sentences around to improve the flow of the story, and I’ll point out any other gross errors so that an editor is more likely to accept your article in the first round. 

I’ll teach you my favorite techniques to help you polish your article before submitting it to the publication.

I won’t edit your spelling, punctuation, and grammar—you can do that on your own and with the help of your software.  One of the requirements before signing up for coaching is that you are an average or above average writer and possess these capabilities.

What work do I need to do?  

You’ll be expected to come up with your own story ideas, create your own query letters, assemble your own distribution lists, send out your own query letters, write your story, and any other actionable work involved with getting your story idea published.

I'll help you tweak your story ideas to make them more marketable. I'll review your query letters and help you sell your story ideas to the editors.

I'll help you understand how and when to ask for travel perks.

I’m here to coach you through the process and toward your goals.  I’ll be there with you every step of the way.  I’ll get you moving forward when you’re stuck. 

I’ll recommend some extra reading to get you up to speed.  I’ll listen to your whining and grumbling about how freelance writing is harder work than you thought it would be, all with great patience and tact.

I’ll show you what writing and marketing techniques work most effectively for freelance writers today.  I’ll recommend the smartest marketing strategies for getting your work into print.

Finally, I’ll be the first person to congratulate you when you get your stories published!

I’m looking forward to working with you!

6-month coaching begins on  January 1, 2020

and ends on June 30, 2020

Price:  $1497

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See details of Roy's 12-month Coaching and Mentoring program