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Group Coaching
Mastermind Community

  • Do you want to launch -- or relaunch -- your travel writing career?
  • Do you want to earn money for your travel stories?
  • Do you want to improve your writing and marketing skills using proven methods and techniques?
  • Do you want to learn how to break into print publications with sales & marketing techniques that get results?
  • Do you want to build your freelance writing business successfully?
  • Do you like learning in a low-pressure and supportive environment?
  • Do you enjoy learning online and with a group?
  • Are you looking for a community of like-minded writers?

If you answered "yes" to most of the questions above, 0ur self-paced, self-guided Group Coaching program is for you.

We have two major goals:

Goal #1. To provide coaching to travel writers in a group setting that's affordable and fun.

Goal #2. To facilitate a Mastermind Community of Writers who can help each other with problems, offer solutions, and provide each other with encouragement and support.

Because freelance travel writing is a solo occupation, it’s important to have a social community for like-minded writers. You'll gain inspiration, motivation and a safe place to ask questions and share ideas. We provide this in our Group Coaching Mastermind Community. And we do it at a price that is affordable.

Here are all the details . . .

Roy Stevenson is your writing & marketing coach . . .

Roy is a professional travel writer and the author of our popular travel writer's website,  Over the past eighteen years, he’s had more than 1000 articles published in 200 magazines, trade and specialty journals, in-flights, on-boards, and blogs and websites. He's traveled on assignment around the U.S. and to twenty-five different countries.

Linda Popovich is your travel photography coach . . .

Linda is a professional travel photographer and is also the editor and publisher of

Her photographs have been published in a wide variety of regional, national and international magazines, and online. 

Roy and Linda have been working and traveling together for more than eighteen years as a travel writer & photographer team and they’re excited to bring you this Group Coaching for Travel Writers and Mastermind Community. 

Here’s What You’ll Get:

1. Pre-recorded group coaching sessions

When you register you'll have immediate access to 26+ pre-recorded coaching lessons and all the resource materials to accompany those lessons. These coaching sessions are about some aspect of travel writing such as:

  • Ways to improve your travel writing and make it sparkle
  • How to sell your travel stories
  • How to work with editors and CVBs
  • Travel photography tips & techniques

You'll get feedback on your questions about course material in our private Facebook group. This is where all Q&A coaching takes place. When one person asks a question, everyone gets to learn from the answers.

Each pre-recorded coaching session will be approximately 15 minutes long. Each session is broken into bite-sized pieces so the videos are easy to listen to.

You’ll also have access to written documents, transcripts and references for all pre-recorded sessions.

2. Coaching Q&A with Roy, Linda and our Mastermind members on the private Facebook group.

All coaching Q&A is accomplished in our private Facebook group. If you have a question about any of the course content, you'll ask the question and get your answers via Facebook. If you're writing an article and need assistance, you'll request help by asking questions via the private Facebook group.

We encourage you to ask questions in the private Facebook group so everyone learns together. That's why we call it "group" coaching and that's one of the reasons why we're able to offer it for such a low price.

Most of the coaching happens in the pre-recorded lessons and course resources. But if you need more help, additional questions are via the Facebook group.

3. You’ll have a like-minded community of writers for support, encouragement and accountability (value: priceless)

Our private Facebook group will also be a safe space to share your questions, concerns, experiences and successes. As a member, we encourage you to help each other with questions, answers, advice, support and new information from the industry.

The unique thing about our private Facebook group is that Roy and Linda regularly contribute to the discussions. We won’t leave you on your own like so many other Facebook groups do - we’ll be participating and making sure it’s a safe and friendly environment for everyone.

And though we’ll participate, we promise not to dominate. A Mastermind Community depends on everyone’s participation to excel so we’ll be depending on every member to share their ideas and experiences.

4. A copy of the expanded and newly revised Marketing & Selling Your Travel Stories and corresponding training sessions (value $249).

You’ll receive this important reference guide, chapter by chapter, as Roy coaches you through the entire sales and marketing process during the pre-recorded group coaching sessions.

Chapters will include review notes, exercises and other reference material. By the end of the program, as he covers each topic,  you’ll have access to the entire book.

5. A complimentary copy of The Art & Craft of Travel Writing and corresponding training sessions (value $179).

This 150-page eBook will help you develop your craft, hone your skills and work smarter. This supplemental guide will give you more detailed support in the travel writing pre-recorded sessions. And it will serve as a reference guide when you're writing your articles for publication.

6. Travel Photography training sessions with transcripts and references (value $179)

In the eight travel photography sessions you'll learn about what editors want and how to create galleries they'll love. You'll also receive lessons on composition, shooting in dramatic lighting to spice up your galleries and tips to make your galleries more captivating.

If you shoot on "Auto" or use the manual settings, we'll have lessons and discussion about what works best and what editors expect. And we'll talk about processing your photos before submitting your galleries.

All eight lessons include photography challenges and activities, transcripts to the lessons and references.

7. Exercises, activities and challenges on marketing, writing and photography at the end of each session with feedback on the private Facebook group (value: priceless)

We'll facilitate exercises, activities and challenges related to the videos and coaching topics. Participation is optional but encouraged to get the most out of the program. These challenges and activities will give you practice and help you develop your skills. And it will give you something to share, discuss and enjoy in the Mastermind Community.

8. Lifetime access to pre-recorded coaching sessions, training materials and the private Facebook group

As a paid member of the Group Coaching Mastermind Community, you’ll have access to all the coaching and training sessions and materials. You can access the materials at any time, and repeat any session if desired. You'll continue to have access to the videos and training materials -- and the private Facebook site -- indefinitely.

This coaching program usually sells for $497. But for the next 5 days (through Sunday, October 13th, 2024) we're offering it for $297. For a limited time you can get a $200 discount!

Ready to join us? Click here

How do you know if this coaching program is for you?

The Group Coaching Mastermind Community is for you if . . .

  • You want to launch (or re-launch) your travel writing career
  • You want to earn money for your travel stories
  • You want to improve your writing and marketing skills using proven methods and techniques
  • You want to get published in print magazines and learn sales & marketing techniques that get results
  • You want to learn photo techniques that will help you create better photos
  • You want to learn the best way to submit photo galleries to editors
  • You want to build your freelance writing business successfully
  • You like learning in a low-pressure and supportive environment
  • You like the idea of thoroughly absorbing the information at your own pace
  • You enjoy learning online, on your own and with a group
  • You want to join in discussions with a supportive community of like-minded writers where you can share your goals, frustrations, questions, solutions and successes

This program NOT for you if . . .

  • You require lots of individual attention (please consider our one-on-one coaching instead)
  • You are a very private person and don’t like sharing your ideas with other people (please consider our one-on-one coaching instead)
  • You're in a hurry and want instant success - this is not a "get rich quick" program
  • You find it difficult to support and encourage other people
  • You’re a true individualist and like to forge your own path (Go for it!)

This coaching program usually sells for $497. But for the next 5 days (through Sunday, October 13th, 2024) we're offering it for $297. For a limited time you can get a $200 discount!

Ready to join us? Click here